Mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot
Mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot

mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot

  • Open 圎dit and select ONLY "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp, and Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp".
  • Next, we need to Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding:
  • Click on the file header to check Cutting Room Floor.esp is no longer there.
  • The File header should turn bold indicating required masters have been updated.
  • mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot

    Right-click on Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp and select Clean Masters.Remove the book, Dialog Topic, Quest and Worldspace entries.

    mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot

  • Select only Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp.
  • Now we need to use 圎dit to remove Cutting Room Floor as a master:
  • Dummy Masters will have been added to the Overwrite folder in Mod Organizer 2.
  • A Pop-up message will display click yes.
  • Right-click then on the pop-menu select Create Dummy Masters.
  • Once Wrye bash is open locate Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp (it should have a red box next to it).
  • Special Instructions Before you do anything else, a Dummy Master for Cutting Room Floor needs to be created using Wrye Bash this is required in order to load the plugin in 圎dit:

    Mod darkest dungeon maxium skin slot